Gillette Venus Wave Makers Project - Member of The Board of Trust Seas

I’ve had the opportunity to learn and educate so many people within my ocean community. It has been an amazing journey, having the opportunity as a woman in ocean conservation to live my dreams and to explore the ocean in my own backyard, The Bahamas.

Today I am bursting with excitement to announce my partnership with @gillettevenus and being chosen to receive the “Venus Wave Maker Project” grant which provides me with funding to develop my own project that will help to educate and empower women within the ocean conservation space. They have given me access to a global platform to do what I love best – educate about our beautiful ocean while further driving the importance of representation within ocean science and conservation.

This collaboration means the world because it symbolizes the commitment of Venus giving strong women a platform for their advocacy with in the world of ocean conservation. 

Be sure to follow and check out their page so you can see what some of my fellow “Wave Makers” are doing and how they are creating projects that give back to the ocean that sustains us. 

Fun fact: I’ve also been a #VenusGirl for my entire teenage and adult life, their product line has always given me smooth skin when shaving and kept my confidence on 1000 – so needless to say, I’m excited to have a brand believe in me the same way I believe in them. Be sure to stay tuned for all the amazing info that will be dropping about this new project and my continued journey “under da sea”! Xoxo Katie 💙

2030 Sustainability Goals Gillette Venus 

Featured Board Of Trust Seas Articles

Article - Business Wire

The Siren Project

This project was created by Leoni Dickerhoff, a platform that highlights and connects female conservationists from all walks of life, to inspire one another, exchange ideas and to be a resource for the next generation of ocean conservationists.

Katie, was featured as a female ocean conservationist to tell her story about her adventures in the Ocean.

Read Here

Women taking Action for Ocean Conservation

Interviews with leading female divers inspiring local communities

On World Environment Day, inspired by the video The Ugly Journey of our Trash, a team of female divers from many countries of the world launched a video on social media, where they passed plastic items we use in our daily life to one another to show the amount of plastic packaging that ends up in the landfills and eventually in our ocean to educate on the danger of plastic in our oceans. 

We have talked to some of the divers featured in this video and asked how they advocate for the ocean as female role-models in their local communities. 

Read Katie's Feature Here

The Marine Diaries

The Marine Diaries is very proud to present the first of 9 short films as part of our project: #MarineEcosystemDiaries

This film is all about: CORAL REEFS 🦑 🐡 🦈🐠 🐟🐙 🌏 What are coral reefs? 🌏 What threats are do they face? 🌏 What’s being done to conserve them?This beautifully shot film captures the colourful chaos of the coral reef ecosystem, explores the heart-breaking reality of coral bleaching as corals surrender to the relentless impacts of climate change, and importantly, delves into the novel science that’s giving the future of coral reefs some hope.The buzz of life and vibrant charm of coral reefs have captivated humans for many years. We must help bring them back from the brink. The Marine Diaries will be donating 15% of all donations made to us in January to The Reef-World Foundation, an initiative which strives to educate and inspire people to achieve coral reef conservation.

You can DONATE here:

Want to LEARN MORE about coral reefs? Check out our blog ""Coral Reefs: The Rainforests of the Sea"" ➡️

Videographer: Duncan Fraser Voiceover: Inka CresswellResearcher: Heather Baxter

🎥 Inka Cresswell, Coral Gardeners, Cherie Bridges, Pedro Furtado, Peter Kragh, Dr. Peter Morse, Charles Sleddon-Plant, Blue Corner Diver Centre, Katie Storr, SECORE International, Dimitri Chant, Jacinta Shackleton

Reef Rescue Diver Instructor Spotlight - Meet Katie Storr 

Recently we had the chance to chat with Katie Storr aka Mermaid Katie  to ask her a few questions about scuba diving and all things ocean! 

What made you want to become a PADI Reef Rescue Diver Instructor?

“At first it was because I wanted to assist with maintaining the nurseries. However, after becoming an Instructor it became a major focus for me with educating those around me, particularly Bahamians, on the importance of coral reefs. I became mesmerized and would often find myself watching coral polyps feed on dives and pointing out diseases and different species. It became quite a fascination and now I want to continue my education and learn how to do reef surveys such as Atlantic Gulf Rapid Reef Assessments”

Read More of Katie's Feature Here

Yachting International Radio

Diversity in Yachting: Katie Storr

Join Gabriela and Katie in this very strong and pointed conversation about what it is like to be a person of colour in Yachting. How Europe seems to be the furthest behind when it comes to accepting people of colour in the luxury sector, the challenges faced onboard that go above and beyond the already demanding duties that are required of Yacht Crew, right down to the simple things like uniform sizes and hair, that most take for granted! The fear that yachties of colour have in speaking out about racism and their experiences, believing that this will make them lose all prospects of a job for the future.

The discussion as well brings up the topic that is featured most often in this show, in regards to the industry showing a complete lack of understanding when it comes to their marketing. How as a result, they are not even TOUCHING a HUGE segment of the population that is rapidly becoming the next generation of clientele, or rather COULD, become the next generation, now and into the future, if they were actually the target of any marketing whatsoever.

If you are wanting to know the REAL story, then watch the entire conversation. This is a no holds barred look at what the Yachting Industry needs to change for the future!

Katie Storr is a Bahamian, PADI Master Scuba Diver Instructor, a conservationist, and an underwater photographer. Katie also is the cofounder of @theoceanofcolour

View Interview Here

Divers Getting Coffee with Ed Olu

Up Close and personal with Ed Olu on Scuba Diving and Being A Pro Underwater Photographer and Master Scuba Diver Instructor.

Shark4Kids - Coral Conservation Webinar

Learn about coral reef conservation in the Bahamas with Hayley-Jo Carr ( Perry Institute for Marine Science) and Katie Storr. Hayley is the coordinator for the Reef Rescue Network and Katie is a Reef Rescue Network instructor. They are working to spread education throughout the Bahamas as well as working to create healthy coral reefs.​ for more info

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